Privacy Policy


Respecting and protecting our customers’ privacy and personal data is important to the FileLinkUp (“we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy will help you to understand how we collect, use and safeguard your personal data in our interactions with you. 

Throughout this Privacy Policy, the term "personal data" means any data relating directly or indirectly to you, from which it is practicable for your identity to be directly or indirectly ascertained, and in a form in which access to or processing of the data is practicable. 

By visiting FileLinkUp, (the 
“Mobile App”) or providing us with your personal data via other means, you agree that we will collect, use and store your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms part of our Terms and Conditions. 

We regularly review this Privacy Policy and may from time to time revise it by updating this page. By continuing to use our services through the Mobile App after any amendments to this Privacy Policy, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy as revised, so please visit this page periodically for updates.

Your Personal Information and How We Use It

Collection of your Personal Data

We collect, use and store your personal data to ensure we can provide various services to you and offer you a personal experience online. This may occur on our Mobile App or via other means. We will keep your personal data confidential at all times and only collect, use and store it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

Different types of personal data may be collected by us on our Mobile App.

Use of Your Personal Data

We use the personal data you provide to us for the following purposes (and any purposes directly related to these purposes) (collectively, the “Purposes”):

  • To provide our services to you (including assessing any application for and administration of such services). This includes responding to any questions you may have, assessing your applications with us for any of our services.
  • To match your personal data with information you provided to us via other means; and
  • To analyse trends and usage with us (whether on an individualised or aggregated basis), which helps us better understand how you and our collective customer base access and use our Mobile App and services, for the purposes of improving our services and responding to customer desires and preferences. For these purposes, we will use personal data about your gender, age, interests, geographical location, site usage and other personal data.

Collection of Anonymous Data from You

Separately, we may collect certain other data from you on our Mobile App: 

We automatically collect data relating to your online session to provide our services to you, to gather statistical information on our server’s usage and to help us better meet your demands and expectations.

We also use functionality that sets a unique identifier to track your use of our Mobile App across multiple devices so that your sessions are reported on our system as a single user rather than as multiple users. 


We may display ads from third party provider, including but not limited to Admob, Google AdSense. As a result of ads serving, cookies or ther technologies may be used to collect information.

Our Contact Details

If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy (including in relation to any of your rights under this Privacy Policy or any other questions you may have), please contact our Privacy Officer via email to